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Etsy Store-4 The Love Of Cards


Selling my cards?  YOU have lost your mind!  That was my first thought as friends recommended I needed to sell my cards somewhere.  First of all people wanting to buy my cards seemed foreign to me.  I loved my cards and loved sending them to friends but sell them?  What if no one likes them or if I didn't sell anything?

Last August, I decided to take the advice of friends and debuted my new Etsy store front, "4 The Love Of Cards” and have slowly grown my business. Please take a moment to stop by for a visit while you enjoy a cup of coffee!  Feel free to share the link to the store with friends and family.

If you are not familiar with Etsy please take a look around at the other store fronts.  Etsy is a community of sellers who offer hand-crafted and vintage items for sale at fair prices.  You are supporting independent, often home-based sellers when you shop on Etsy.  

See link on the right side of this blog that will take you directly to my Etsy store.  Or click the link below this post.

Future card to be added to Etsy Store


  1. I LOVE your beautiful cards! They are very special to me! So much care and thought put into each one...
