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Who am I and why BLOG?


I am a lover of paper crafting and want to share that love to others!  What better way than within a blog?   My hope is that we will share our love of crafting and create a place where we can share ideas and explore new techniques primarily related to card crafting.  I can’t promise that I won’t sneak in a post or two about scrapbooking since that is where my love of paper crafts started!  I Hope to incorporate the following pieces of my life and personality into my blog posts:
  • Love of card crafting
  • Importance of the written word in a techy society
  • Couponing and cost savings
  • My love of Christ
  • My zeal for organizing to a fault!
  • My love of teaching and sharing knowledge with others
  • My love of photography
Make this a great day!

Recent card creation!
Spending time at my favorite spot crafting

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