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Ideas, Ideas, Ideas.....


Where don’t they come from?  I have been known to see a friend’s new blouse and say,  “WOW!  LOVE that shirt!  It looks like a scrapbook page!”  The looks I have gotten from this comment are interesting to say the least!  Hoping I haven’t offended friends with these comments as I mean them in a very positive light as I LOVE scrapbook paper!  Then there are those times when I am in a non-crafting store and find something I can use in my paper crafting such as paint sample strips or a roll of twine from Walmart!  But seriously I find my main ideas for my cards in these areas:
  • Sketches-There is not better way for me to start out on a new card than with a sketch from a book, magazine or online-Pinterest has become my new favorite place to find sketches!  Find my favorite sketches here: Pinterest Card Sketching Ideas 
  • Card ideas in books, magazines and online.  I find these less helpful because I find myself feeling inside of a box needing similar paper and embellishments unlike when I use sketches.  But this is still a great way to see ideas in color!  Here are some of my favorites on Pinterest:                Pinterest Card Ideas
  • Friends’ cards-I LOVE retreats with friends for many reasons but one favorite reasons is the ideas that are shared (not to mention gut wrenching laughter!).

    Waxhaw Retreat

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